Pearson v. State of Queensland

A settlement was reached in the matter of Pearson v. State of Queensland.

Mr Hans Pearson commenced proceedings in the Federal Court in 2016 on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, living and deceased, who were subject to the controls under the ‘Protection Acts’ during the claim period of 1939 to 1972.

In July 2019, the Queensland Government announced that the parties in the Pearson v. State of Queensland matter had agreed in principle to a $190 million settlement, inclusive of the Applicant’s legal and administrative costs.

This settlement and the arrangements for its administration, including how the settlement monies will be distributed, were confirmed by orders of the Federal Court made on 17 January 2020.

The settlement was reached in the spirit of reconciliation and in recognition of the legacy and impact of the ‘control’ policies on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, including Elders past and present.

It is appreciated that queries may arise regarding the settlement and the settlement distribution scheme. Queries should be directed to the Administrators of the scheme or your legal advisor.

Contact the Administrators

The Federal Court appointed Anthony Beven and Anthony Jonsson of Grant Thornton Australia Ltd as the Administrators of the scheme. Their contact details are:


Anthony Beven and Anthony Jonsson
Grant Thornton Australia Ltd
PO Box 7200


(07) 4046 8888

More information

Grant Thornton’s Stolen Wages website has more information about the administration of the settlement distribution scheme.