Our finances

This class of information in our publication scheme provides information about the department's financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

Published informationSummary

Annual Report

The annual report provides an account of the operational and financial performance of the department. It also provides an analysis of the department's performance against the strategies in the Strategic Plan and enables the Minister and Parliament to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of the department, as required under the Financial Accountability Act 2009.

State Budget

Budget papers and agency budget highlights.


Published informationSummary

Awarded eTenders

Tenders awarded by the department since 2009.

Current eTenders

Open tenders for departmental services and initiatives.

Funding and sponsorship

Information for service providers on funding that is currently being offered by the department.

Grants and funding paid to organisations

Datasets published on Open Data portal outlining amounts paid in grants to NGOs since 2008-09.