Investment specifications

Investment specifications describe the intent of investment, the service users and associated issues, service delivery types, and requirements for services to be delivered with departmental investment.

The investment specifications are used in conjunction with the streamlined service agreements and provide detail on specific requirements to be included in the agreements.

  1. Disability investment specification (PDF, 510 KB) Disability investment specification (DOCX, 85 KB) 
  2. Older people (PDF, 1.4 MB) Older people (DOCX, 132 KB)
  3. Service System Support and Development (PDF, 1.3 MB) Service System Support and Development (DOCX, 168 KB)

Archived versions

Previous versions of the Investment Specifications.

The investment specifications will be regularly reviewed and updated. 

The Outputs and performance measures catalogue (XLSX, 67 KB) Outputs and performance measures catalogue (CSV, 81 KB) (Version 2, 1 April 2018) includes outputs, counting rules and examples for reporting on outputs. It also includes outcome measures, throughputs, demographic data and other measures. Counting rules and examples for these measures are also in the catalogue.