Enterprise development

We provide a range of services to help strengthen and grow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses in Queensland.

We can help by:

  • working with your business to identify your business development needs and ambitions
  • linking you to business support programs and services
  • increasing the awareness of Queensland Government procurement opportunities
  • promoting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to government agencies and private buyers
  • introducing government and private sector businesses to buying from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses
  • helping government agencies and non-Indigenous businesses understand cultural protocols.

Our focus is aligned with the Queensland Government's decision to use its annual spend on procuring goods, services and capital works to bring about growth and development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

Supply Nation

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business owners can register their businesses with Supply Nation, to reach a national audience. Supply Nation provides opportunities for Indigenous businesses to participate in the supply chains for major projects and is mandated as the first port of call for Federal Government procurement officers looking for Indigenous businesses to fulfil their targets under the Indigenous Procurement Policy.

Find out more about Supply Nation.

Black Business Finder

An effective way to get your business noticed by buyers is to register on the Black Business Finder (BBF). The BBF is an online business directory for Queensland-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. It provides opportunities for Indigenous businesses to participate in the supply chains for major projects listed with the ICN Gateway – a nationally recognised connection point for buyers and suppliers. It also provides a platform for government and private sector businesses looking to source goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers.

Find out more about BBF.

Contact us

You can contact us by email enterprise@dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au