Many Voices: Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy

About the Many Voices Policy

The Queensland Government is committed to partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders to reconcile the past and achieve a reframed relationship. In July 2019, the Premier signed the historic joint Statement of Commitment as part of the Tracks to Treaty – Reframing the relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders initiative.

To build on this significant step forward in the reconciliation journey, and to foster a shared pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, the Queensland Government developed the Many Voices: Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy (PDF, 4.4 MB).

The Queensland Government worked in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language experts to co-design and develop the languages policy. This delivered on the action in the Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan for a co-designed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages policy with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

The languages policy outlines the Queensland Government's commitment to:

  • recognising the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages in maintaining cultural identities and building the resilience of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • working in collaboration with the Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples to develop measures to strengthen and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages
  • promoting Queensland as thriving, vibrant and embraces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and languages as important to everyone.

Many Voices: Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Action Plan

The Many Voices: Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy Action Plan 2023–2025 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Many Voices: Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy Action Plan 2023–2025 (DOCX, 369 KB) (the Action Plan 2023–2025) builds on the outcomes of the Many Voices: Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy Action Plan 2020–2022 and details the actions to be taken to meet the priority areas identified in the Languages Policy.

The Action Plan 2023–2025 aligns with the United Nations International Decade for Indigenous Languages 2022–2032 which commits to drawing attention to the critical loss of Indigenous languages and the urgent need to preserve, revitalise and promote Indigenous languages.

The Action Plan 2023–2025, and all subsequent plans, are underpinned by the guiding principles of self-determination, recognition of diversity, truth-telling and healing, and urgency and action.

It outlines government action across the following four priority areas to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages in Queensland are strong, acknowledged, maintained and accessible:


Strategies aimed at developing physical, cultural and social infrastructure that provides strong foundations to support language growth and maintenance.

Action and activation

Develop language resources and expertise to grow community capacity to share and encourage the use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages across all Queensland communities.

Restoration and transmission

Increase the number of people speaking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages regularly including information storage, expertise and local access to learning.

Recognition and promotion

Strategies to grow community awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages to encourage reconciliation and pride in Queensland’s unique cultural heritage.

One of the flagship initiatives is the Indigenous Languages Grants program, co-funded by the department and the Department of Education.
