Queensland Volunteering Strategy

Volunteers play a valuable role in supporting Queensland communities and individuals.

The Queensland Government is developing a Queensland Volunteering Strategy as described in Communities 2032.

The Queensland Volunteering Strategy (the Strategy) will direct the Queensland Government’s efforts towards elevating the volunteering experience in Queensland, strengthening the conditions for healthy volunteering, and enhancing the role that volunteering plays in addressing the causes and impacts of social isolation and loneliness in Queensland.

Currently underway

The Queensland Government is undertaking targeted engagement with the volunteering sector to inform development of the Strategy. The Queensland Government acknowledges that the sector has valuable insights and ideas that will be key to shaping a strategy that leverages Queensland’s strengths and capabilities. 

Next steps

Engagement with the volunteering sector is continuing and will help shape the Queensland Volunteering Strategy.

The results of the engagement will be considered alongside the rich research currently available about the volunteering sector in Queensland.

Queensland government agencies will also work together to consider the specific feedback received during sector engagement.

Queenslanders will be kept informed about the progress and release of the final Strategy.