Pride in our Communities – community engagement

The Queensland Government is committed to vibrant, inclusive and cohesive communities as described in Communities 2032. This includes hearing and elevating the voices of people who are of diverse sex, gender and sexuality.

In 2023, the Queensland Government committed to develop Queensland's first whole-of-government Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual plus (LGBTQIA+) Strategy for Queensland.

Queensland has experienced many decades of incremental progress and positive reforms that have each contributed to a situation today where LGBTQIA+ people and their organisations look toward a bright future in our state.

The dedicated Queensland LGBTQIA+ Strategy (the Strategy) further directs the Queensland Government’s efforts towards embedding inclusion for LGBTQIA+ communities and continuing to strengthen outcomes for LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders.

Community engagement

The Queensland Government delivered unprecedented and comprehensive state-wide community engagement from May until November 2023 to inform development of the LGBTQIA+ Strategy, Pride in our Communities. We asked LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders to have their say on the changes they want to see to live safe, supported and equal lives.

Through the consultation period we engaged with a total of 749 LGBTQIA+ people and their allies across Queensland:

Online survey

482 submissions to the survey were received through an anonymous online survey. The survey was open for three months from 14 June until 15 September 2023. The survey was designed to explore the priorities important to LGBTQIA+ people.

Community workshops

267 LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders and their allies participated in 17 virtual and in-person workshops over a 9-week period from mid-August 2023 to early-November 2023. These workshops provided an opportunity to hear peoples’ experiences and to further explore the priorities of LGBTIQ+ Queenslanders.

We extend a warm thank you to people from LGBTQIA+ communities and their allies who participated in the engagement activities and trusted us by sharing their stories.

Direct stakeholder meetings

Organisations and individuals from relevant organisations and communities were invited to engage directly with the Queensland Government to share their views and wishes for Pride in our Communities. This included Pride networks, sex worker organisations, organisations representing incarcerated people, organisations supporting LGBTI veterans, and intersex people, amongst others. The Queensland Government also sought feedback and advice from organisations in other states and territories about their experiences and LGBTQIA+ strategies to support development of the Queensland Pride in our Communities Strategy.

What you told us

During the community engagement activities, LGBTIQ+ people and their allies voiced a range of perspectives and concerns, reflecting the rich tapestry of Queensland's LGBTQIA+ communities.

Emerging themes throughout the engagement LGBTQIA:

  • First Nations rights and considerations
  • Human Rights and anti-discrimination
  • Justice and civic issues
  • Inclusive education
  • Workforce/business development
  • Healthcare and family-planning
  • Improvements in policing, public safety and correctional facilities
  • Disability and aged-care options
  • Violence prevention
  • Housing and homelessness services
  • Sport and recreation
  • Child protection
  • Media, community visibility and information-sharing

Read the LGBTQIA+ Community Engagement Summary (PDF, 345 KB) LGBTQIA+ Community Engagement Summary (DOCX, 95 KB).

Queensland LGBTIQ+ Roundtable 

Special appreciation is reserved for the Queensland LGBTIQ+ Roundtable, comprised of people from diverse LGBTQIA+ communities and sector representatives, whose invaluable expertise and guidance helped shape and promote the community engagement activities. We also worked with the Queensland LGBTIQ+ Roundtable to help shape development of the Strategy. We thank them for sharing their lived experiences, time and expertise.

The thoughts and priorities shared during community engagement helped shape the Queensland LGBTQIA+ Strategy, Pride in our Communities 2024-2032.