Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC)

About the JCC

The JCC, established in April 2019, provides oversight of the co-design and implementation of the Local Thriving Communities (LTC) reform, which will bring greater decision-making authority to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the state.

The Local Thriving Communities reform, which now extends to urban and regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, will result in government working in a visibly different way alongside communities to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, particularly in relation to service delivery and economic development.

Over the last three years, the JCC has overseen the establishment of interim Local Decision-Making Bodies and co-designed the LTC action plan 2022-2024 (PDF, 2.4 MB) LTC action plan 2022-2024 (DOCX, 1.2 MB), which is underpinned by cultural insights.

The JCC is a key governance mechanism driving the reform process, which also champions the reframed relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the government.

The JCC oversees design and implementation across government and all participating communities, and ensures all voices, including those of young people, are heard.

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Membership and meetings

The JCC meets four times a year and includes membership from government (local, state and federal) and Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Where possible, meetings will be held in communities.

For more information on current JCC members:

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JCC Communiqués 

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Roles and responsibilities

All JCC members commit to provide advice and guidance to the Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships on the co-design and implementation of the LTC reform and to champion the reframed relationship.

JCC members will achieve this function through:

  • Committing: working collaboratively, modelling the reframed relationship between Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people and the Queensland Government, for example by committing to a partnership approach underpinned by truth telling, listening, engaging and harnessing strengths.
  • Shared decision-making: frank and fearless advice and genuine power sharing to ensure challenging issues are considered and managed effectively and respectfully.
  • High expectations relationships: all members respect and value each other, share a commitment to strive for excellence, and hold each other to account for their actions.
  • Proactively championing LTC: enabling community and government readiness to engage in local decision-making by providing expert advice to inform key priorities including flexible and coordinated funding arrangements, financial considerations, ways to improve the accountability of government and community entities and to improve the coordination and integration of programs and services.
  • Influencing related First Nations reforms: informing the design and implementation of significant government policies and programs intended to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community outcomes, including service design and delivery, commissioning and grants processes, public service administration, and economic and employment strategies.

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Contact us

Contact the Secretariat on (07) 3003 6519 or email

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